Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Amdo Chabcha students protest

20 Tibetan secondary school students were arrested by Chinese police officers in Amdo Chabcha.
When the students were escaping through a secrete path, a group of police men called them and asked where they came from. As soon as the students told the truth, that they came from the Tibetan secondary school of Amdo Chabcha, then the police men tried to arrest them. Even though all students were going to escape and separate, the police men arrested them anyways. They have been abused and tortured since being captured.
Recently all students have disappeared and are unsure where they are kept and what kind of situation they are living in.
October 20th the government announced that they are going to arrest the students who participate in the demonstrations along with some group of teachers, how ever the teachers will not get such a harsh punishment.

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